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Quick Start: Backend integration


This guide provides step-by-step instructions to integrate our product into your system.


  • Access to Huma Admin Portal.
  • Installed Huma Python Client
  • Huma Android/iOS SDK integrated in your project.

Steps to Integrate

1. Obtain and Configure API Domain and Client Details

  1. Log in to the Huma Workspace.
  2. Download the huma-config.json file with secrets provided for your integration.
  3. Add it to your project directory.


  1. Install python client
pip install huma_python_client

2. Initialize library

Basic initialization is pretty simple, just provide the path to your huma-config.json and your deployment id.

from huma_python_client import HumaApiClient, ClientType

client = HumaApiClient(config_file="config.json")

# Register a new user
response = client.register(

# Login a user
response = client.login(

Endpoint Implementation Example

User authentication should be handled via your original endpoints. The "Get Huma Token" endpoint (for example: {domain}/private/huma-token) should be protected and based on the current authenticated user, perform the requests to Huma backend.

To implement the private/huma-token endpoint:

  1. Attempt to sign in the user using the client.login() method.
  2. If the user does not exist (returns a 403 status), sign them up using the client.register() method.
  3. Return the tokens and user ID (uid) received from the Huma backend.

The following example demonstrates how to implement the private/huma-token endpoint.

from fastapi import APIRouter, Depends
from huma_python_client.client import HumaApiClient
from huma_python_client.exceptions import UserDoesNotExistError as HumaUserNotExistError

from app.dependencies import authenticate
from app.models.database import User
from app.models.responses import HumaTokenResponse
from app.models.user import HumaTokenRequestBody

router = APIRouter(prefix="/private", dependencies=[Depends(authenticate)], tags=['Huma'])

def get_huma_token(request_body: HumaTokenRequestBody = Depends(), current_user: User = Depends(authenticate)) -> HumaTokenResponse:
Interacts with Huma backend to auth the user and provide the auth and refresh tokens for Huma sdk.
huma_deployment_id = "***PUT YOUR DEPLOYMENT ID HERE***"
huma_client = HumaApiClient(config_file="huma-config.json")
rsp_json = huma_client.login(, request_body.client_type, huma_deployment_id)
except HumaUserNotExistError:
rsp_json = huma_client.register(, current_user.firstName, current_user.lastName, request_body.client_type, huma_deployment_id)
return HumaTokenResponse(**rsp_json)


By following these steps, you can integrate our product seamlessly into your system. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact our support team.