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Version: 2.0


How to configure the Actions framework

To configure Actions framework, you need to call actionKit and action in sdk and appkit blocks in the installHumaSdk block.

context.installHumaSdk {
sdk {
actionKit {
// List of KeyActionProvider, empty by default
providers = listOf<KeyActionProvider>()
// DateTimeRange, by default range is -3 months to +14 days from today
datetimeRange = DateTimeRange()
// KeyActionViewOverride, null by default
keyActionViewOverride = null
appkit {
action {
// List of ImportKeyActionProcessor, empty by default
processors = listOf<ImportKeyActionProcessor>()

All those fields are optional. If you don't provide any of them, the default values will be used.

Note: datetimeRange is used to specify the range of the key actions that should be fetched.

Note: keyActionViewOverride is used to override the default view of the key action.

How to override the default view of the key action

To override the default view of the key action, you need to create a class that implements the KeyActionViewOverride interface.

class CustomKeyActionViewOverride : KeyActionViewOverride {
override fun override(
modifier: Modifier,
keyAction: KeyAction,
config: KeyActionCardConfig
): Boolean {
// Draw a composable view for the key action
return true // Return true if the view was drawn, false otherwise. If false, the default view specified in the KeyAction will be used.

How to work with HumaActionsKitManager

How to fetch key actions

To fetch key actions, there is a few methods in the HumaActionsKitManager class.

val humaActionsKitManager = HumaActionsKitManager.getInstance()

val keyActions = humaActionsKitManager.keyActions // List of key actions
val toDoKeyActions = humaActionsKitManager.toDoKeyActions // List of to-do key actions
val comingUpKeyActions = humaActionsKitManager.comingUpKeyActions // List of coming up key actions
val previousKeyActions = humaActionsKitManager.previousKeyActions // List of previous key actions
val localKeyActions = humaActionsKitManager.localKeyActions // List of local key actions
val keyActionStates = humaActionsKitManager.keyActionStates // StateFlow<List> of key actions

How to set new refresh time range

To set a new refresh time range, you need to call the setTimeRange method.

Pair(, ChronoUnit.DAYS),, ChronoUnit.DAYS)

How to refresh key actions

To refresh key actions, you need to call the refreshKeyActions or refreshKeyActionsSync methods.

HumaActionsKitManager.getInstance().refreshKeyActions() // Asynchronous
// or
HumaActionsKitManager.getInstance().refreshKeyActionsSync() // Synchronous (suspend function)

How to mark key action as read

To mark key action as read, you need to call the markKeyActionRead method.

// mark specific key action as read
// or
// mark list of key actions as read by key action id and due date
HumaActionsKitManager.getInstance().markKeyActionRead(keyActionId: String, dueDate: Instant?)
// or
// mark key actions by predicate, once is used to mark only first key action
HumaActionsKitManager.getInstance().markKeyActionReadBy(once: Boolean) { keyaction -> true / false }

Note: HumaActionsManager has similar methods, that work the same way.