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Version: 2.0


In Huma SDK Module framework is split between to layers - SDK and AppKit. SDK layer called ModuleKit, and AppKit - Modules.

  • ModuleKit (SDK) is responsible for generic module architecture without any relation to APIs.
  • Modules (AppKit) is build on ModuleKit and tailored to Huma Platforms APIs. It also provides generic user flow that is used in 1st party modules.

How to use Module Kit

Most of the ModuleKit features are accessible thru it's manager that is available after SDK initialization.

To get it's instance call


Install modules

To add new module use this instructions.

Refresh Modules

To initialize or refresh modules list, you can use refreshModules function.


It is called automatically on authentication, but if your are not using generic flow, it might be required to call it manually. You can check the rest of the functions in this HumaModuleKitManager

Refresh Data

To refresh modules data you can use refreshData function.


This action will call refreshData on all module providers that are registered in the manager.

Find Module

There is a few ways to locate a specific module.

  1. In the list of all modules
val module = HumaModuleKitManager.getInstance().modules.find { YOUR_CONDITION }
  1. Using find function
// All parameters are optional
moduleConfigId = ModuleConfigId,
moduleId = ModuleId,
includeCombinedModule = false, // includes the search in combined modules (e.g. Questionnaire)
moduleClass = KClass<T>

Alternatively, you can use findModuleWithRefresh to trigger module refresh is search was not successful with existing data.

// All parameters are optional
moduleConfigId = ModuleConfigId,
moduleId = ModuleId,
includeCombinedModule = false, // includes the search in combined modules (e.g. Questionnaire)
moduleClass = KClass<T>

Override module cards looks

Using registerCardOverride function you can override the module card view. It will be used in all modules that extends from BaseModule.


It is useful when you want to style the cards in a specific way or add some additional information.

How to use Modules (AppKit)

Modules library is build on top of ModuleKit. It's manager exposes functionality that is tailored to using Huma Platform APIs. Please refer to HumaModulesManager for more information.

Install modules

By default all 1st party modules are installed automatically. If you want to install custom modules, and you don't want to use initializers, you can use installModules function.


Install module import processors

If you have a custom module that works with Huma Platform APIs and it's data received via deployment configuration, you can use import processors to process the data and create a module instance.

Add custom import processors, you can use registerImportProcessor function.


Please refer to How to add a new Module for more information.

Override sections

The HumaModulesManager provides an option to override the modules sections withregisterSectionOverride function. The override class with receive the list of sections on Module details screen open. It can be used to modify the sections list, or add new sections.

Override module inputs

The HumaModulesManager provides an option to override the modules inputs with registerModuleInputOverride function. The override class with receive the call on openInput function call. It can be used to modify the inputs list, or add new inputs.

Refresh data

The HumaModulesManager provides an option to refresh the data with refreshData function. You can call it without any parameters to refresh all modules, or with specific module ids to refresh.

Query module data

To query module data you can use fetchModuleData function.

moduleConfigId: ModuleConfigId?,
moduleId: ModuleId?,
period: TimePeriod?,
refreshModulesBeforeFetch: Boolean

