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Add articles and media

The Huma Builder CMS is a powerful content management system designed to simplify the creation of articles, videos, and other assets. This user-friendly platform enables you to add, edit, and organise content within your app, ensuring it reaches the right users at the right time. Follow the steps below to add a new article to your app:

  1. Select the app that you want to add content to.
  2. Access the CMS by clicking the collection icon.
  3. Click Create to add another article.
  4. Skip the Content ID field. This field will be auto-populated once you save your new article.
  5. Add the Title, upload the Feature image that will appear in the app, and select the Article type.
  6. In the Body section, add the main content of your article. You can use formatting tools to style your text, add headings, lists, quotes, and links.
  7. Add Tags which will help you find articles more easily once you decide where to place your content in your app.
  8. Click Save changes to save your edits.

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Tip: Adding external URLs or media as an article type
If your article type is an external URL, add your external resource by entering the URL in the External URL field. If your article type is a media asset, such as an image or video, add your asset by clicking the Media button under the Body section.

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Add assets

Assets like images and videos can be uploaded to visually enhance your articles and make them more engaging for your users. You can either use existing assets from the Huma library or upload your own. To access the assets, select the image icon in the left side panel. You can upload images in JPG or PNG format (up to 2MB each) and videos in MP4 or MOV format (up to 100MB each). Once uploaded, these assets will be available in your CMS editor for immediate use.

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Adding content to your app

Once you have created a few content pieces, you can start adding those to the desired pages of your app.

  1. Go to the Builder page. Select the page of your app that you want to add content to.
  2. Click + New widget in the left side panel, then scroll down and select Feature articles.
  3. Choose which articles will be shown under the dropdown button All articles.

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Content sources

  • All articles will show all content pieces available in the CMS.

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  • Filter by tags allows you to add content with specific tags.

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  • Manual list allows you to search and add available content in the CMS.
  • Advanced query allows you to apply advanced logic to which content pieces will be shown.

Advanced Query

In Advanced query, there are some key variables, primitives, functions, and basic conditional logic you can use to create your query.

  • Key Variables

    • EMPTY: Represents an empty list. Use this when you don't want to return any articles. For example, unread(articles) if user.age >= 18 else EMPTY will return a list of unread articles if the user is an adult, and no articles if they are not.
    • NOW: Refers to the current date and time.
    • TODAY: Refers to the current date.
    • articles : Represents all available articles. This is typically used as the first parameter in most functions, such as unread(articles), limit(articles, 5), or filter(articles, tag="HR").
  • Primitives

    • data.<primitive>: Serves as a placeholder for any last recorded basic metric, such as HeartRate, Weight, or BMI. This can include multiple nested fields like:
    • data.<primitive>.flags: A flags object that includes flags.gray, flags.amber, and These attributes represent the severity levels calculated for the metric.
    • data.<primitive>.value: The value recorded by the user, typically a number or a decimal, depending on the metric.
    • More complex primitives:
      • data.BloodPressure.systolicValue
      • data.BloodPressure.diastolicValue
      • data.CVDRiskScore.roundedValue
  • Functions

    • limit(articles: array, count: int): Limits the number of articles to the specified count. Example: limit(unread(articles), 2) will show a maximum of 2 unread articles.

    • unread(articles: array): Filters articles to show only those that are unread.



      It will display all unread articles.

  • Conditions

    Our DSL follows Python syntax, enabling the creation of complex conditional logic.

    • if/else:


      <if true result> if data.HeartRate.flags else <else result>


      filter(articles, tag="HR") if > 0 else limit(unread(articles), 2)

      This condition displays articles tagged with "HR" if the last HeartRate record is in the red severity level. Otherwise, it shows 2 unread articles.

    • and/or:


      unread(articles) if data.HeartRate.flags.amber or else random(articles, 2)

      This condition returns all unread articles if the last HeartRate record is within amber or red severity levels. Otherwise, it shows 2 random articles.

    • + (add operation):


      filter(articles, tag="HR") + filter(articles, tag="sport")

      This will display all articles tagged with either "HR" or "sport."

This guide should provide a clear understanding of how to leverage the "Featured Article" feature using DSL Queries. Use these tools to tailor the content you see to match your specific needs and interests.