A library that provides a layer of support for huma key actions in the application. It defines the structure of a key action, contains set of default key actions and allows to register new. Provides storage for key actions. Contain default behaviors.
Getting Started
- Example
- Installing
- Readme
- Changelog
How to use Huma Track
Huma Track module can be used without any additional work. It contains the default logic of fetching key actions from backend, filtering them by categories and sorting by date time and title. Check Readme to get the list of supported key actions.
Huma Track module can be extended and support to adding new type of key actions in a simple way.
Create new key action
To add new type of key action you need to override KeyAction
Huma Track module has the base abstract implementation of KeyAction
- BaseKeyAction
. It provides a basic configuration for key action. It's recomended to use it as a base class for all key actions.
Then register your key action in the HumaTrackManaget
. Huma Track module allows to do that in two ways.
1. Register new key action manually
For that case you can create an instance of your key action from outside and register it via this function:
HumaTrackManager.registerKeyAction(uniqueKeyActionId: UniqueKeyActionId, keyAction: KeyAction)
If you want to register several key actions in one batch you can use:
HumaTrackManager.registerKeyActions(vararg keyActions: Pair<UniqueKeyActionId, KeyAction>)
These functions adds key action to local list of key actions and then it can be rendered as a list of cards.
2. Register new key actions using processor
Key action processor is used to create an instance of key actions from configuration data. Huma Track module contains logic to fetching configuration of key actions from backend. You just need to provide a processor for you key action type. Override ImportKeyActionProcessor
interface to create your own processor.
class YourProcessor(
private val context: Context
) : ImportKeyActionProcessor {
override fun processConfig(keyActionConfigs: List<KeyActionConfig>): List<Pair<KeyActionId, KeyAction>> {
return keyActionConfigs.filter { it.learnArticleId != null }
.map { config ->
val keyActionId =
keyActionId to LearnKeyAction(
context = context,
keyActionId =,
title = config.title,
startDateTime = config.startDateTime,
endDateTime = config.endDateTime,
completedDateTime = config.completeDateTime,
model = config.model,
category = config.keyActionCategory,
learnArticleId = config.learnArticleId
Then register your processor in the HumaTrackManager
HumaTrackManager.registerImportProcessor(processor: YourProcessor)
When the processor is registered you can call fetchKeyActions(datetimeRange: Pair<Instant, Instant>?)
to fetch the configuration and fill your key action with a data.
HumaTrackManager.fetchKeyActions(datetimeRange: Pair<Instant, Instant>?) //call to fetch list of key actions
- is optional and allow to fetch key actions in specific date time range.
Call reloadKeyActions()
function to reload a list of key action. It doesn't contain input parameters and use datetimeRange
property which was set in
HumaTrackManager.reloadKeyActions() // call to refresh a list of key actions
Get the instance of a key action
After you created the key action and register it you can get it instance by uniqueKeyActionId
or get a list of specific category of registered key actions.
By Id
HumaTrackManager.provideKeyAction(uniqueKeyActionId: UniqueKeyActionId)
List of all registered key actions
List of key actions ready for submit
List of coming up key actions
List of submitted and deprecated key actions
Clear key actions cache
To clear key actions cache you can use clearCache()
function. After that you need to register the required key actions from scratch.
Key Action Card
Key Action
interface defines the keyActionCard
field, but it does not contains any specific implementation.
class defines creating an instance of KeyActionCardView
. Every key action that is extended from BaseKeyAction
can render a card.
override val keyActionCard: (Context) -> KeyActionView = { context ->
KeyActionCardView(context, cardConfig).apply {
cardClicked = { action(context) }
To make KeyActionView
work, BaseKeyAction
requires to provide KeyActionCardConfig
in child class.
override val cardConfig: KeyActionCardConfig
get() = KeyActionCardConfig(
keyActionId = keyActionId,
title = title,
actionTypeLabel = context.getString(R.string.key_action_learn_category),
actionTypeIcon = R.drawable.ic_learn_small,
hasArrowRight = true,
actionDateTime = startDateTime,
cardViewType = category
Key Action Events
Each type of key action defines specific events which should be executed by interactions with key action.
interface contains an action(context: Context)
function for definition behavior by interaction with key action. It does not have default implementation. Each child of KeyAction
interface should override that function and describe specific behavior to do by interact with key action.
After successful execution of key action event your key actions should be marked as completed (marked as read). It is mandatory requirement.
To mark key actions as completed you can use this function markKeyActionRead(..)
Just call this function from your implementation of action(..)
override fun action(context: Context) {
//here desribe specific event to do by your key action
//mark key action as completed after successful execution event
Rendering Key Actions Cards List
Huma Track module contains two screens to display key actions data.
Main screen creates list of cards for To do and Coming up categories of key action. It contains a headers to group key action cards by apropriate categories.
Previous screen contains a list of key actions that belong to Submitted and Deprecated categories. You can navigate from Main to Previous screen by tap button Show previous
To show and refresh Main screen with list of key actions cards Huma Track provides KeyActionListView
app:emptyListTitle="You’re all done"
app:emptyListSubtitle="There’s nothing to do right now. If any new to-do items come up, we’ll show them here."/>
Attribute | Value |
app:emptyListImageRes | Image resource which should be shown if key actions cards list is empty |
app:emptyListImageWidth | Value of image width |
app:emptyListImageHeight | Value of image height |
app:emptyListTitle | Title to show when list of key actions cards is empty |
app:emptyListSubtitle | Subtitle to show when list of key actions cards is empty |
To initialize list of key actions cards you should call function setLoadType(loadingType: LoadType)
and set type of loading key actions config:
- for loading key actions without time range.
- for loading timeline key actions.
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val start =, ChronoUnit.DAYS)
val end =, ChronoUnit.DAYS)
binding.keyActionsContainer.setLoadType(LoadType.TimeRange(start, end))
Also you can customize screen whey list of key actions cards is empty. For that you can call these functions from code:
- to set image and it size
- to set message
- Add the dependency in your local build.gradle file:
- Initialize
in your Application class:
Key action is a specific event which should be executed by user.
Supported type of key actions:
- Appointment
- Learn
- Module:
- Track
- Questionnaire
Category of key actions:
- To do - ready to complete
- Coming up - will be ready to complete after some period of time
- Submitted - successfully completed
- Deprecated - not completed on time
- #163 Implemented Huma Track module. Added unit tests and documentation