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Getting Started

Install Dependency

First thing is to install huma package into the project. To do that, we can use npm or yarn package managers.


npm install @huma-engineering/auth


yarn add @huma-engineering/auth

Project Setup

Once dependency installed we are able to use HumaAuthModule to add authentication pages from the SDK. AuthenticationModule includes own routing rules, that are going to be used as part of the Angular router with pre-build authentication components. In case if you would like to change the UI of the authentication but keet the same flow or API requests - you may skip importing the AuthenticationModule router. To provide proper auth configuration forRoot() method should be used as folowing:

import { API_CONFIG } from '@huma-engineering/utils/api';
import { HumaAuthModule } from '@huma-engineering/auth';

imports: [
path: 'auth',
loadChildren: () =>
import('huma-auth').then((m) => {
return m.AuthenticationModule;
providers: [
provide: API_CONFIG,
useValue: {
hostUrl: '',
clientId: 'c3',
projectId: 'p1',
export class AppModule {}


All configuration fields are described by the AuthConfig interface. The most important fields are:

  • clientId - provides client identifier to the backend
  • projectId - provides project identifier to the backend
  • hostUrl - backend host url, used to build the enpdoints