Breathlessness (Dyspnoea Score)
Shortness of breath can be caused by conditions such as asthma, chest infections, or from smoking but can also be a sign of something more serious. This module provides a quick assessment to understand the degree of breathlessness patients are experiencing. Care teams can use this information to track lung function over time and provide insight or recommendations to patients.
How it works
The Breathlessness module asks patients to answer a simple question about their degree of breathlessness. Their response is converted into a score out of 5 which is shared with their care team, allowing them to monitor their level of breathlessness over time.
Patients can view their historic breathlessness scores in a graph. In the Huma Portal, care teams will be able to see the latest breathlessness scores from their patients.
The Patient Summary displays a more detailed view of the patient's historic scores in graph or table form.