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Currently HumaUI library implements folowing list of UI modules:

  • HumaButtonModule
  • HumaTagModule
  • HumaCardModule
  • HumaSkeletonModule
  • HumaTableModule
  • HumaModalModule
  • HumaIconModule
  • HumaRadioButtonModule
  • HumaInputModule
  • HumaFormModule
  • HumaCheckboxModule
  • HumaDateModule
  • HumaToolTipModule
  • HumaSwitchModule
  • HumaSelectModule
  • HumaLoaderModule
  • HumaAlertModule
  • HumaSliderModule
  • HumaDropdownModule
  • HumaTabsModule
  • HumaNotificationModule
  • HumaFilterModule
  • HumaTextareaModule
  • HumaEmptyStateModule
  • HumaPopoverModule
  • HumaCollapseModule
  • HumaInputGroupModule
  • HumaTimePickerModule
  • HumaStepperModule
  • HumaDividerModule
  • HumaLogoModule

Code Samples

Here are some of an examples of HumaUI usage.

Modules import

All of this modules can be imported as HumaUiModule at once, or separately by its name.

import { HumaButtonModule } from '@huma-engineering/ui';

imports: [HumaButtonModule]
export class AppModule {}


Lets have a look on component usage based on HumaButtonModule. To reuse button component we need to import UI module into the Angular application. Once we have module imported, any component template can be updated to use HumaUI components.

<huma-button type="primary">Button</huma-button>


Here is an example how to use notifications provided by HumaNotificationModule. Once we have this module imported into the application - we need to make sure global notification styles imported.

@import "@huma-engineering/ui/themes/default/notification.less";

After that it is possible to inject NotificationService into any application component or service.

constructor(private notification: NotificationService) {}

Once service injected, we can call any required methods that should be displayed for user:

'Success Message',
'This is the content of the notification.'