COVID-19 Baseline Questionnaire
The Huma product offers an easy way of collecting information about a patient's health with respect to COVID-19. Answering all questions and sharing this information will allow Care Teams to make better treatment decisions.
How it works
The first time a patient signs in, they will be prompted to complete the COVID-19 Baseline Questionnaire. In subsequent responses, they will answer questions about tests and symptoms of COVID-19 over the past month. Care teams can view new and historical results in the Huma Portal and concerning scores will be flagged for attention.
In the Patient Summary, care teams will be able to see all historical data in graph or table form.
The COVID-19 Baseline Questionnaire contains 30 questions:
Question 1: What is your weight, in kgs?
Provide a numeric answer
Question 2: What is your sex?
Select one of the following
- Male
- Female
Question 3: Are you pregnant?
Answer yes or no
Question 4: Have you had a test for COVID-19?
Answer yes or no
Question 5: Did you test positive for COVID-19?
Select one of the following
- Yes
- No
- Waiting for my results
Question 6: What is your blood type?
Select one of the following
- O-positive
- O-negative
- A-positive
- A-negative
- B-positive
- B-negative
- AB-positive
- AB-negative
- Unknown
Question 7: Have you ever smoked?
Select one of the following
- Yes, I still do
- Yes, but I quit
- No, I have never smoked
Question 8: Roughly how many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
Select one of the following
- 1-10
- 10-20
- > 20
Question 9: How many years have you been a smoker?
Select one of the following
- Less than a year
- 1 to 5 years
- 6 to 10 years
- 11 to 15 years
- More than 15 years
Question 10: How long ago did you quit smoking?
Select one of the following
- Less than a year
- 1 to 5 years
- 6 to 10 years
- 11 to 15 years
- More than 15 years
Question 11: Have you ever vaped?
Select one of the following
- Yes, I still do
- Yes, but I quit
- No, I have never vaped
Question 12: How often do you vape?
Select one of the following
- Rarely
- Occasionally
- Often
- Regularly
Question 13: How long ago did you quit?
Select one of the following
- Less than a year
- 1 to 5 years
- 6 to 10 years
Question 14: Overall, how would you rate your health?
Select one of the following
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Excellent
Question 15: Do you have any pre-existing conditions?
Answer yes or no
Question 16: Do you have any of the following conditions?
Choose multiple of the following
- Asthma
- Other chronic lung diseases
- Coronary artery disease
- Heart failure
- Other heart conditions
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Chronic kidney disease
- Chronic liver disease
- Cancer
- Autoimmune conditions
- Others
Question 17: Please enter the existing condition that you have?
Write a descriptive answer
Question 18: Are you on any regular medications? Please list the medications you are on
Write a descriptive answer
Question 19: Are there any conditions that run in your family? Please list the conditions if any
Write a descriptive answer
Question 20: Do you have any allergies?
Answer yes or no
Question 21: Please list your allergies
Write a descriptive answer
Question 22: In the last 14 days have you experienced or still experiencing any symptoms?
Answer yes or no
Question 23: Please select all the symptoms that you have experienced or currently experiencing
Choose multiple of the following
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Tiredness
- Muscle aches
- Runny nose
- Blocked nose
- Sore throat
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Headache
- Night sweats
- Chest pain or tightness
- Dizziness
- Loss of consciousness
- Heart palpitations
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of smell
- Loss of taste
- Other
Question 24: Please enter the other symptoms
Write a descriptive answer
Question 25: When did your symptoms start?
Select a date
Question 26: In the past 14 days or since first onset of your symptoms have you
Select one of the following
- Had close contact with an individual who was confirmed with the diagnosis of COVID-19
- Had close contact with an individual with signs or symptoms of fever, cough, chest infection
- Worked in or attended to a healthcare facility where confirmed COVID-19 infections have been reported
- None of the above apply to me
Question 27: Please select that best describes your living situation
Select one of the following
- I live alone
- I live with family
- I live with friends/partner
- I live with a carer
Question 28: Have you travelled in the past 14 days?
Answer yes or no
Question 29: Please list all countries including any stopovers or connections for any length of time in the last 14 days.
Write a descriptive answer
Question 30: How are you feeling right now? Are you so ill that you've stopped doing all of your usual daily activities, such as watch TV, use your phone, read or get out of bed?
Select one of the following
- Yes, I've stopped doing everything I usually do
- I feel unwell but can still do some of my usual daily activities
- No, I feel well enough to do most of my usual daily activities