Number Recall
While reaction time and number recall ability can be improved slightly through training, they are affected by some factors which cannot be controlled e.g. age, sex, right-/left-handedness. There are other variables which can be changed to improve RT e.g. alcohol, stress, exercise, drug use, illness etc.
How it works
Patients will be presented with a series of number strings which they will be asked to remember.
A number is randomly selected and displayed to the patient. The number is displayed for a total of one second plus another second per digit. For example, a 2-digit sequence is shown for 3 seconds and a 10-digit sequence is shown for for 11 seconds.
The patient has as long as they want to try and recall the sequence. If the patient recalls the number correctly, they have the option to continue with another sequence. Each time the sequence increases in length by one digit until the patient enters an incorrect answer.